What Is a Character Counter?
A character counter is a tool that counts the number of characters in a written passage. While it isn't as popular as a word count or page count, it is still very useful for bloggers and social media posts. You can use the tool to count both spaced and un-spaced characters. It is also easy to use and will automatically count the characters for you. Despite its simplicity, a character counter isn't a replacement for a human reader. Character count is a way to calculate the number of characters in a written passage There are several ways to determine the number of characters in a written passage. Word count and page count are much more popular ways to determine the length of content. The word count is more useful in controlling formatting, while character count has little practical value. Word processing software like Microsoft Word offers two character counts, one that includes spaces and the other that does not. Using one of these counts is often the most accurate way to...